September 23, 2024 • 2 min read
Carrefour, located on the outskirts of Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, is one of the country's most densely populated and economically challenged communes. This area is characterised by severe poverty, inadequate access to clean water, unreliable electricity, and poor-quality medical facilities. High crime rates and limited access to education further exacerbate existing vulnerabilities.
Families in Haiti Going Hungry
GOAL is supporting communities affected by hunger, gang violence and high inflation in Haiti. With funding from the U.S. Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), GOAL, AVSI, and CESVI are implementing the Addressing Multisectoral Needs in the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince project. The programme addresses the economic crisis caused by inflation and violence in Haiti by improving food security, stimulating economic recovery, improving WASH services, and protecting vulnerable households.
Lovely is a mother of two living in Carrefour with her husband and elderly mother. In their community, smiles are rare, and life is often a daily challenge. Lovely’s husband is a handyman, and her mother sells sandals—but neither earns enough money to purchase food for the entire family. Before GOAL intervened, they went to sleep every night with empty stomachs.
“It’s Like a Miracle.”
GOAL distributed food assistance vouchers to Lovely’s family, with funding from BHA. This assistance was a lifeline.
“Since we received assistance from GOAL, our lives have changed radically,” Lovely said. “Before the intervention, my family went to bed hungry. Today, thanks to this intervention, we can have food on our table. It’s like a miracle.”
Lovely could finally see her children smile after eating a substantial meal. She remembers the first time her son said, “Mom, I won’t go to bed with an empty stomach anymore.” It was a magical moment for her, one she would never forget.

A GOALie in Lovely’s home in Carrefoure, where he’s assessing her household’s needs.
Supporting Communities Affected by Hunger
Thanks to funding from BHA, GOAL, AVSI, and CESVI are supporting communities affected by gang violence with food vouchers, psychosocial support, and improved WASH services. Our teams reached 3,500 residents of Carrefour with critical food assistance in March 2024, totalling 5,200 vulnerable households receiving food assistance in the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince.
“I would like the project to continue,” Lovely said. “It brings relief to many people living in difficult situations like ours. There are so many families in need of this assistance, and I would like many more people to benefit from GOAL’s help.”
Lovely is an example of how a little help can have a tremendous impact. You can support families like Lovely’s by signing up for GOAL Jersey Day. Join us on October 11th by registering at