August 18, 2020 • 2 min read
Jorge Tejeda has worked for GOAL for ten years in the Latin American and Caribbean region, often in difficult and conflict-affected settings. On World Humanitarian Day, he has a special message for his fellow GOALies and humanitarian aid workers worldwide.
I have worked for GOAL as a humanitarian advisor for the last ten years in conflict areas including Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, and Haiti.
Being a humanitarian worker and being able to help others and see how our work makes an impact on the lives of the people we support has given me a new vision as a person.

Jorge Tejeda loads PPE and other hygiene materials into a truck for transport to the remote La Moskitia region in Honduras.
What motivates me is improving the lives of the people we work with in very difficult environments. There are huge challenges in understanding these contexts, and the new risks from COVID-19. It is more important than ever now to work to make an even bigger impact on the lives of the people we support.
Throughout my experience as a humanitarian worker, I have seen first-hand the struggles of people and how a helping hand can make real change in someone’s life. What I carry with me are all the success stories and the impact of the work in difficult and changing contexts. It is important for me and my colleagues to reflect on these efforts to achieve change.
I think that the people who work at GOAL are special because we understand our mission and our objective. A first responder institution like GOAL needs people not only with high technical capabilities but people with huge empathy. I am proud to work with people in GOAL who are excellent human beings. We are a family with a common goal: to save lives and generate change in the lives of those we help.
A message for my colleagues and fellow humanitarians everywhere, especially those on the front line: Continue to strive courage, even though sometimes we might be scared. Through our work we are showing leadership. Do not be afraid, and keep moving forward.