January 21, 2022 • 2 min read
The conflict in Northern Ethiopia has led to the displacement of millions of people. Millions of families in desperate need of humanitarian aid. In recent months the conflict has spilled over into the centre of the country, further exacerbating the problem.
In March 2021 the entire population of Ataye was forced to flee their homes. The small town was partially destroyed by the conflict. Later in September, the wider district was drawn into the war. Local infrastructure was decimated and thousands more internally displaced.
GOAL teams in Ethiopia are responding to the crisis, supporting communities in need. Staff are tackling acute malnutrition through a community-based management approach (CMAM) and delivering mobile health service provision (MHNT) with support from UNOCHA.
Unfortunately, with the conflict expanding in the country, GOAL’s efforts have been hampered over the last year. Staff have faced growing insecurity and resource challenges due to infrastructural damage. A recent improvement in the security situation has allowed teams to return to full capacity and reach families displaced by the conflict.

GOAL teams delivering emergency aid to the Amhara region of Ethiopia
GOAL teams in Ethiopia have deployed emergency teams in various areas such as Debrebrehan town, capital of the North Shewa zone, to support people displaced from South Wollo, North Wollo, North Showa and surrounding districts.
Dinkneh Asfaw, GOAL Ethiopia’s Country Director, and senior management, have visited the conflict-affected areas to assess community needs. After meeting with the North Showa Zone Health Department, GOAL Ethiopia are providing critical aid and health supplies to support locally displaced communities. To date GOAL has delivered 1,450,331 ETB (approximately €25,000) worth of medicine to health centrEs in North Shewa.
As conflict recedes in the centre of the country, GOAL teams are facing less obstacles and displaced communities are beginning to receive critical support. However, millions of people are still far from home, surviving day to day on the generosity of host communities and humanitarian aid. Millions of people are clinging to hope. Relying on the support of the international community.
Your support can help deliver hope to Ethiopians in need.