The European Commission (EC) supports GOAL's work across the humanitarian, development and peace
nexus in 11 of our 13 country programmes.
Working with the European Commission
GOAL is working with the support of the EC to deliver programmes in 11 countries: Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, Malawi, Niger, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Turkey and Zimbabwe.
Our partnership with the EC is particularly important for GOAL's work in humanitarian and emergency settings. Support from ECHO (European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations) and the EU Trust Fund for Africa enable GOAL to respond to immediate and protracted needs of vulnerable communities in some of the world's most remote areas. Example projects include:

- Syria: Thanks to ECHO, GOAL is providing rapid, life-saving assistance to people affected by conflict in Idleb, Hama and North Aleppo.
- Sudan: With support from the EU Trust Fund for Africa, GOAL is helping to strengthen decentralised health systems for displaced populations in North and South Darfur.
- Haiti: Funded by Europe Aid, GOAL is working to build resilience and improve living conditions for the informal neighbourhoods of Jeremie.
- Sierra Leone: With funding from Europe Aid, GOAL is helping to ensure decent work for women and young people, reducing the worst forms of child labour and human trafficking.
For more information about GOAL’s work with the EC, contact GOAL today